Madelia Memorial Opportunity
WHAT: An opportunity to permanently memorialize and/or honor your loved ones in downtown Madelia.
As a result of the downtown Madelia fire on February 3, 2016 we have created Madelia Strong, Inc. a not-for-profit organization that was formed locally to administer assistance and financial relief to those affected by the fire.
In an effort to raise funds as well as celebrate the history and vitality of Madelia, we have created an opportunity for families with Madelia roots to consider banding together to give a donation in memory of their parents or loved ones, with the name or names to be displayed on a public, permanent memorial plaque in downtown Madelia (e.g. 4 siblings each giving $250 in memory of their Madelia parents would have their parent’s name memorialized at the
“Main Street Builders” level).
(Photo is an example only)
HOW: If you would like to help rebuild downtown AND recognize your family or loved ones, we have created seven giving levels that will be permanently displayed in downtown Madelia.
Giving Levels for Public Display
$100,000 plus.....................Madelia Hartshorn Society
$50,000 to $99,999............Joseph Flanders “Father of Madelia” Society
$25,000 to $49,999............Younger Brothers Posse Society
$10,000 to $24,999............Governor W.S. Hammond Society
$5,000 to $9,999................Hometown Restorers
$1,000 to $4,999................Main Street Builders
$500 to $999......................Community Supporters
Donate today at madeliastrong.com and memorialize your family permanently in downtown Madelia. For inquiries or questions, please contact Glenda Arndt at glenda@chriscomco.net
Madelia Strong, Inc. is organized as a public charity and is tax exempt under Code Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations made to Madelia Strong, Inc. are deductible for income tax purposes.